
The best way to make a donation to Testimony Faith Homes (TFH) is through The Aenon Trust. This is a UK charity which facilitates giving to projects including several children’s homes in Kenya. Donations by UK taxpayers may be Gift Aided through The Aenon Trust.

The Aenon Trust is a registered charity, registered in the United Kingdom (Registered Charity Number: 1046859).

Direct payments can be made to:- The Aenon Trust account (Natwest), using the account and sortcode below . If using this method an email should be sent to to let him know the gift is for Testimony Faith Homes.

Reference: TFH

Cheques should be made payable to The Aenon Trust and sent to:

Mr. A.E.Nicholls MBE,FRGS
The Aenon Trust
137 Belvedere Road,
DA7 4PA,
United Kingdom